

About Kamiyo Calligraphy Society|(JINDAI Calligraphy)

Our society is a calligraphy association aimed at inheriting the Kamiyo script culture, which originates from Japan’s true history, believed to be tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years old.

What is Kamiyo Script|

While it’s often claimed in modern times that Japan had no writing system, numerous characters and symbols have actually been found on ancient stone monuments predating the introduction of Chinese characters. Documents and stone monuments written in Kamiyo script, considered incongruent with the arrival of Chinese characters and the publication of Kojiki and Nihon Shoki, were destroyed or burned. However, some have been preserved to this day as amulets or sacred objects in conscientious shrines.

Differences from Similar Scripts|

Our society places particular emphasis on “Ahiru Kusamoji” as the characters to be passed down to future generations. While some Kamiyo scripts believed to have been promulgated by Sumeramikoto tens of thousands of years ago have been transmitted to the present day, surprisingly, their numbers are relatively small. Additionally, there are many groups of characters imitated by individuals over the past two thousand years. Although they are all confused as Kamiyo scripts, it is advisable to choose the most historically reliable characters if you are going to learn them, as some characters celebrated in bookstores and media have been created by individuals in the past few centuries. Therefore, caution is necessary.

About the Classroom|

Kamiyo Script Calligraphy Class

We offer calligraphy classes with the aim of enabling anyone, from beginners to experienced calligraphers, to write Kamiyo script.
In ancient Japan, before kanji, it is said that there were original characters called Kamiyo script. Stone monuments with inscriptions have been discovered all over Japan, and Kamiyo script documents and amulets are still preserved in Ise Grand Shrine and old shrines. In this class, we will focus on learning the most reliable characters of Kamiyo script, especially the Ahiru Kusamoji used in shrines.
Location: Ozu Washi Culture Classroom in Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo.

▶About Kanji

Kanji is generally associated with Chinese pronunciation and may not be well suited for use in Japanese. Therefore, we do not recommend its active use. However, you are free to use it when writing names or for yakko-in (official seals).


For those who wish to join after the initial trial, the membership fee (30,000 yen) will be waived.

▶Membership Fee

1 session: 5,000 yen (tax included), same fee for trial sessions.

▶Certification and Ranks

When you have completed practicing all 50 characters of Ahiru Kusamoji, we issue a completion certificate for Kamiyo Script Calligraphy “Ahiru Kusamoji” (cost: 3,500 yen). We are considering setting ranks based on proficiency in the future.

▶Application Contact: Ozu Washi Culture Classroom Representative

Address: 3-6-2 Nihonbashi Honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0023
TEL: 03-3662-1184

Common Understanding of Kamiyo Script in Contemporary Society|Reference Materials

Kamiyo script (Kamiyo moji or Kamimoyo moji) is one of the ancient Japanese writing systems and is an important heritage that demonstrates the origin of Japan’s writing culture. This script system was used in Japan from around the 4th to 6th centuries BC (various opinions exist). Kamiyo script is indispensable for understanding Japanese history and culture, and its shapes and uses provide insights into the beliefs and lives of ancient Japanese people.
1. Origins and History: The exact origin of Kamiyo script is unclear, but it is believed to have been used since the beginning of the Kofun period. During this period, writing was mainly used in connection with Shinto rituals and religious ceremonies, and it was considered important for recording and expressing special occasions. The use of Kamiyo script evolved along with the development of culture and exchanges within the Japanese archipelago.

2. Characteristics of the Script: Kamiyo script has its own uniqueness in shape and characteristics, differing from later kanji and kana scripts.

  • Vertical Writing: Kamiyo script was commonly written vertically, from top to bottom and right to left. This vertical writing style influenced later Japanese writing culture.
  • Simplicity in Shape: Characters were composed of straight lines and curves, with simple and geometric shapes. This made them suitable for carving and engraving.
  • Elements of Pictographs: Some characters symbolically represented objects, with their shapes carrying meaning. This characteristic conveys aspects of ancient Japanese thought and beliefs.

3. Uses and Significance: Kamiyo script was primarily used in Shinto rituals and religious ceremonies. It was inscribed on sacred documents and monuments during festivals, recording offerings and prayers to the gods. This preserved sacred events and traditions through writing. Additionally, Kamiyo script was used as a symbol and means of expression in ancient Japanese society and culture.
4. Progress in Decipherment and Research: Deciphering Kamiyo script was challenging for a long time, and its meanings and usage were unclear. However, since the 20th century, researchers have made attempts at decipherment, leading to the clarification of some characters and words. This has gradually revealed information about ancient Japanese religion, beliefs, and social structures.

5. Heritage and Continuation of Kamiyo Script: Kamiyo script is the origin of Japan’s writing culture, and its importance lies in exploring the spirits and thoughts of ancient Japanese people. This script system holds deep significance in Japanese history and culture, and its influence has been passed down to modern Japan. Researchers and history enthusiasts are working on deciphering and preserving Kamiyo script, striving to pass on its heritage to future generations.

6. Exploration of Meaning and Symbolism: Kamiyo script serves as a valuable source for understanding ancient Japanese worldviews, beliefs, and interactions with nature based on its shapes and uses. Some characters may carry specific meanings, and their shapes may convey symbolic messages. Researchers are delving deeper into the interpretation and underlying meanings of the characters.

7. Summary and Future Outlook: Kamiyo script is a fundamental element of ancient Japanese writing culture, and its uniqueness and significance continue to be subjects of research and interest. Through its shapes and uses, we can glimpse into the beliefs, spiritual structures, and cultural backgrounds of ancient Japanese people. As decipherment progresses and efforts for its continuation unfold, research into the mysteries and meanings of Kamiyo script will likely advance.